Pyradiomics is an open-source python package for the extraction of radiomics data from medical images. Image loading and preprocessing (e.g. resampling and cropping) are first done using SimpleITK. Loaded data is then converted into numpy arrays for further calculation using multiple feature classes. Optional filters are also built-in.
Pyradiomics has recently been accepted in Cancer Research.
Pyradiomics is developed as an open-source library hosted on Github. We encourage people to contribute code, bugs and feature requests.
GITHUBAll installation instructions, methods and feature classes - together with the relevant mathematical formulae - are fully documented.
DOCUMENTATIONImport the pyradiomics library into a Jupyter [ipython] notebook and extract selected features either from single images or in batch mode.
Jupyter notebookBrowse the community Google group for frequently asked questions regarding installation, usage and methods - or post your own.
Google Groups